Six Websites to Help You Troubleshoot
Infomedia’s web support team is available by phone 24-7 to troubleshoot, train and provide a secure hosting service for our clients. When you contact us, we’ll ask a few questions that help us quickly resolve your issue. Having some of this information handy can help us find a solution faster.
With that in mind, there are a few easy things you can do to troubleshoot errors when something looks strange (or maybe is totally missing) on your website. First, we need some basic information about your browser, from the Operating System and IP Address to whether you have Javascript enabled. Don’t know what all those terms mean? No worries. Go to the Device Info site to quickly organize all your browser information and then email it directly to our Support team. You can also copy and paste the details into an email. If you work in Microsoft Word, you know that making multiple edits to a document’s font and formatting can be difficult to undo. If you need to quickly convert a Microsoft Word copy with multiple edits to a stripped-clean version, use this free website. It removes added page content, formatting and invalid or proprietary tags, leaving you with clean code that can be pasted into your website. Simply copy and paste your document to the website, select the options you’d like undone and click “Convert to Clean HTML.”
WhatsMyIP.Org: Your IP address is a series of numbers that uniquely identify your computer, router, printer or mobile device and help it communicate with other devices on a network. We generally don’t need this information to resolve day-to-day support issues, but sometimes, it’s useful. We recommend bookmarking this website, just in case. Sometimes, having a quick snapshot of the information on your computer’s screen is helpful, but the process for taking screenshots may differ based on your device. This website eliminates the guesswork and shows you how to take a screenshot, where to find the right keys on your keyboard, how to copy and paste it and how to save it as a file. Visit this website to find out if a website is just down on your end. Note: this site won’t tell you why the site is having technical difficulties. However, it will show you whether the issue is strictly internal and that your internal IT support should be contacted. You’ve probably heard that the Internet never forgets. Well, here’s proof. This site is a web archive of digital data that you can visit to see old website versions. If you’ve accidentally deleted content or need to report a missing feature on your site, this may be helpful. We enter the URL of the page into the site and look at an old version of the page to try to see the missing data. Note: The site does not track or gather daily data, so the tool won’t be useful if you add content and delete it in a couple of days.
These sites may help us get started, but remember — you’re not in this alone. Website hosting is included with our Infomedia packages. Our proactive team of support professionals is also here to help troubleshoot and maintain.