When Infomedia shoots headshots for clients, we typically shoot in one of three styles: creative, business professional and indoor/outdoor style headshots. Depending on the type of business that you do, you may want to be more professional or creative.
So what should you wear? Do you need to dress up? Before you get headshots taken, we’ll have a pre-production meeting to see what style of headshots you’d like to go for. If you’re going for a clean and corporate look, we’ll likely have everyone come in a suit and shoot against a white background. If you’re a super creative company, you may want to show more personality in your headshots. For that style, you can usually dress more “you.”
There are a few basic rules when it comes to taking headshots. We don’t suggest wearing solid white, because headshots are often taken against a white background. Try to keep it minimalist and classic while still showing some of your personality — try not to be too trendy, and don’t wear anything that you wouldn’t wear five years from now.
We make it easy for people to consistently add media assets to their website. If you hire a new person shortly after you get headshots taken, it’s not a problem for us to come out and shoot one more — in fact, we save the editing preset for each shoot so that we can use it for future headshots if needed.
Paul Bryant