Build Your Ideal Morning Routine

Show Notes

Building Blocks of a Successful Morning Routine

  • Focus on the order of tasks to make them habitual.
  • Importance of routine and consistency in building habits.
  • Engage multiple senses to strengthen habit formation.

Elements of a Morning Routine


  • Create a playlist to set the mood.
  • Use the same playlist to cue brain into routine mode.


  • Incorporate some form of physical activity.
  • Can range from intense workouts to light stretching.


  • Include meditation, journaling, or reading.
  • Keep it short to avoid getting sidetracked.
  • Examples: Morning pages, gratitude journaling.


  • Be intentional with breakfast choices.
  • Whether big or small breakfast, make sure it’s planned.

Additional Tips

  • Adjust routine based on personal needs and feedback over time.
  • Establish a routine that can be realistically maintained.

Find full show notes, including links mentioned in this episode, at

Carrie Rollwagen

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