The WordPress block editor, on a basic level, is what you use to add content to a website. The block editor is different from classic WordPress — WordPress used to have a wysiwyg, which is an abbreviation for “what you see is what you get.” Back then, it was a lot harder to create layouts without knowing how to code with html.
The block editor allows you to style content more easily, embed videos or music clips, add different sections to a page and more. The block editor is more component-based, so you choose components rather than coding out the structure. Previously with the wysiwyg, if you wanted to have these kinds of elements, you’d have to hire someone to build it out for you.
If you’re an Infomedia client, we provide free trainings, so you can just schedule one if you’d like to learn more about using the block editor. If you’re not an Infomedia client, there are lots of resources online for learning the block editor.
Russell Marbut