You may wonder why you should blog, and to put it simply: Google loves new content. And by new content, we mean new pages — Google doesn’t count editing existing pages on your site as “new content.” When Google sees that you’re updating your site on a regular basis, they’re more likely to value and trust your site.
Blogging is an easy way to add new content to your website, and we recommend adding at least two blogs per month. Use your blog as a tool that can solve multiple problems — it helps with Google, and it can also act as a tool for your sales or support team to provide information to clients.
So what should you blog about? Start with answering questions that you get asked commonly, or write about common processes that relate to your business. Your blog is also a great place to talk about your company and culture, industry news and things that are important to you and your user.
If you don’t have a portfolio, you can utilize your blog to showcase your latest projects. And even if you do have a portfolio, consider having short blurbs about each project in your portfolio and saving the details and story for a blog post.