Launching a new website can seem stressful — you probably feel like it needs to be completely perfect before launching, but that’s not really the case. We recommend quality checking each page before launching. Make sure the text is accurate, click through the site the same way a user may click through it, and be sure to check the links to make sure they work.
If you have any third party integrations, make sure those are working as well by testing them out yourself. If you have ecommerce on your site, go through the steps of adding something to your cart and “purchasing” it to make sure it’s working correctly (you don’t actually have to buy something — you can add a test product). Test your forms and double check the form fields, and don’t forget to fill it out and then check your email to be sure you receive the response.
If you find mistakes, you can make a list and correct them all at once (or have your web company help you), or you can fix them as you notice them — whatever you prefer. There’s no right or wrong way to do it, but it’s important to take note of any errors you find while checking your website.
It’s also useful to have another pair of eyes on your website. Maybe you have a trusted group of colleagues or friends — if you have the time, have them audit your website before announcing to the public that it’s live. You can also make a game out of it by telling people to look for errors and entering them to win something in return for helping you quality check after launch. Check out this episode of the Localist podcast for more information about the game.
Janna Stevens