Carrie Rollwagen recently released a lead generator called the Localist Guide to Coffee Shops, which she used to help grow her email list. The guide highlights local coffee shops in Birmingham and provides bits of information about each one, serving as a resource to help people decide where they should go based on what they’re looking for.
The guide provides information that answers questions about:
- Food/menu options
- Types of coffee served
- Whether or not it’s a good place to study/work
- Parking
- Location
Carrie and the Localist team did lots of research to gather information. Carrie began by sending out a Google Form to the coffee shop owners. That was a good starting point, and after that, the Localist team jumped in to assist with gathering information for shops that didn’t respond.
Carrie designed the guide herself, with assistance from audiobooks, Canva and her brand guide from Infomedia, which is an asset that includes a color palette and brand fonts.
The guide was ultimately a promotion for Carrie’s email list. She promoted it through social media and on her blog. Although this project was fairly labor-intensive, it was a success — Carrie got lots of signups on the day she released it, and they continue to trickle in as she continues to promote it.
Don’t miss out — get the Localist Guide to Coffee Shops for yourself!