How do I conduct an interview?

Today on One Quick Question, we have a guest host: Brad Davis, our Head of Development. Our guest is Carrie Rollwagen, VP of Strategic Planning, who usually hosts the podcast. We’re discussing best practices for interviewing, researching and finding topics for a podcast.

For One Quick Question, we have a Slack channel where employees from our Support and Project Strategy teams can submit topics for discussion. When it comes to research and interviews, we like to over prepare. We like to have a decent number of questions written down to help us think through what we’re going to talk about and help the conversation flow. Carrie uses these principles for her podcast, the Localist, as well.

These principles can apply to websites, too. When you’re writing content for your website, you may be writing about things that you don’t know a lot about. In these situations, interviewing can help! Write down some questions that you have, and you’ll be surprised at how quickly your interview turns into a conversation that gives you lots of insight.

Carrie Rollwagen

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