Can the 12 Week Year help you turn your resolutions into reality?

The 12 Week Year is a book, and it’s also a time management system used to achieve goals and resolutions during a period of twelve weeks as if it were an entire year. New Year’s resolutions can be challenging — we tend to be overly ambitious, which ultimately leaves us feeling defeated when we don’t achieve all of our goals. The basis of the 12 Week Year is to set manageable, rational goals that you feel empowered to achieve.

There’s a system for tracking and measuring your progress during the 12 Week Year, but you can make it your own and do what works best for you. Start by determining your goals, then use your scorecard on a weekly basis to list tactics that will help you achieve your goals. At the end of the week, you measure your progress and grade your scorecard like you’d grade a test.

It’s ideal to set 2-3 “SMART” goals — meaning goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based. While it can be challenging to nail down vague goals, doing so might just be what you need to achieve them. 

If you’d like to learn more, check out Carrie’s episode of The Localist all about the 12 Week Year!

Carrie Rollwagen

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