
WordCamp 2017 Might Give You an Identity Crisis, and That’s OK

WordCamp Birmingham 2017 will be October 21-22, 2017 at the Pelham Civic Complex. Tickets are only $40 so reserve yours today!

Businessman sits on a cream sofa with a box on his head with a big question mark on it

Get your tickets to WordCamp Birmingham 2017!

When Cory Miller gave us his keynote speech at WordCamp Birmingham 2016, he emphasized the ability to pivot in your business. I think changing directions can also be applied to how we view ourselves.

We’re all being tasked with adapting to changing tides in our jobs. At this point, the only constant is change. It’s almost … comforting isn’t it? The biggest skill you need is being able to adapt. That includes not boxing yourself in as just a developer, business owner, or creative. You contain multitudes, my dear.

With this in mind, I’m going take a different approach to the three WordCamp tracks during the October 21-22nd weekend (Blogger, Business, and Development). You may think that you should focus on the track that applies most to your business. That’s a smart choice; however, you may miss out on other talks (and people!) that may open new ways of thinking about yourself and your business. Remember your multitudes.

Maybe you’re a writer who wants to drive traffic to your blog on healthy Southern cooking. Awesome! You could zero in on the Blogger track schedule with many great talks planned such as Javacia Harris Bowser’s People Not Pageviews on Sunday or Jenny Munn’s SEO in 2017: Identifying Strategies to Boost Results on Sunday. But how about checking out some other talks not directly correlated to writing as well? Learn how a developer might look at a problem and check out Bill Robbins’ and Micah Wood’s Introduction to the WordPress REST API which is suitable for even non-developers!

The ability to learn new ideas and skills is a highly valued asset. So is being able to pivot how you see yourself and your capabilities. 

By the way, I don’t have anything against following the tracks at WordCamp; but sometimes we need permission to step outside of our comfort zones. Whatever track you choose — Blogger, Business, Development, or one of your own making — you can make WordCamp 2017 your best conference yet. Especially if you clone yourself and attend everything.

So get out there and meet people who do exactly what you do and people who don’t. We’re all there to understand more about WordPress and how other people use it.

Get tickets to WordCamp Birmingham 2017!

Want to get a head-start on preparing for WordCamp? Not to brag, but check out our blog on prepping for conferences the smart way.

About Mary Katherine

A born organizer and go-getter, Mary Katherine is a wizard when it comes to deciphering scheduling apps and puzzling our complicated schedules together so projects get done right — and right on time. She can coorelate, catalog and coordinate with the best of them, and her experience as a web designer and forays into the world of SEO mean she can come in with the assist on projects big and small. Mary Katherine worked in theater in New York City before coming to Infomedia; if all the world’s a stage, we’re glad she’s shined her spotlight back in Birmingham.

See more articles from Mary Katherine Bushnell

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