If you want to compete on the internet, you have no option other than to put time, effort and talent into producing interesting, relevant content.
The Way Things Used to Be
Once upon a time if you wanted to write a book, you’d have to find a publisher. If you wanted to be on TV or be in a movie, you’d have to convince a TV station or a movie production company.
If you wanted to tell the world your opinion, you’d have to persuade a newspaper to publish your writings. If you wanted to let the world know about your unique singing talent, you’d have to get the attention of a radio station. Not so much any more.
The Age of Information Overload
Now with YouTube, blogs, podcasts, social media, and e-books, everyone has a megaphone to the world. Not only can you avoid the middle man and reach out to people directly, but they can speak back directly to you.
As a business person, you now have the ability to have the right conversation with the right person at the right time. This is pretty awesome and pretty scary.
The problem is everyone’s smothered in information.
Getting Creative with Attention Getters
Since anyone can publish, there’s way too much to read, hear, and consume. Therefore, you better be pretty darn talented and creative to get anyone’s attention.
It’s like trying to watch a parade. At first you can stand on your toes to see over the person ahead of you, but when everyone stands on his toes, you can’t see a thing.
With the internet you can stand on a chair, but everyone else can stand on their chairs also. If you’re trying to grow your business and you stand on your toes and everyone else is standing on their chairs, you won’t see a thing.
If you want to compete on the internet, you have no option other than to put time, effort and talent into producing interesting, relevant content.