With the internet and consumer behaviors changing constantly, it can be hard to keep up. But one thing that seems to be sticking around is the dominance of video content in the digital world.
When most people think of video content, they think of Netflix, YouTube, TikTok, or even Instagram Reels. What you may not be considering is how impactful video content could be on your website. Keep reading to find out why website video content should be one of your top priorities.
Videos Get Views
The digital age has created a shift from readers to viewers. This means that your audience is much more likely to watch a video about your business or organization than they are to read a lengthy article. With that information in mind, it seems like a no-brainer that your website should include video content.
But once you get your audience to start watching your video, how do you keep them until the end? Engaging website video content is the answer. Research shows that our attention spans are anywhere from 8 to 12 seconds. 8 to 12 seconds! That means that you have a short window to get your audience invested in what you have to say.
Website Video Content Helps SEO
What are the two biggest search engines? Odds are you got number one — Google. But number two might surprise you — YouTube! And guess who owns YouTube? You got it, Google.
That means that when you optimize your YouTube channel and videos, you’re taking great steps toward a winning SEO strategy. From there, you can embed those YouTube videos into your website, and voila! You have an advantage in the world of SEO. As an added SEO bonus, website video content also keeps visitors on your website longer. This also tells Google that your website is pretty important, and they should show it to more people.
Pro tip: Add keywords, descriptions and tags to your YouTube videos to optimize your content.
Videos Communicate Clearly
Everyone learns differently. You don’t want your website to miss an entire audience just because they prefer to watch a video for their information over reading. Website video content allows you to clearly communicate with that audience and tell them exactly what you want them to know.
Your website needs a good balance of copy and video to effectively reach everyone, both readers and watchers. You want to make sure that your website video content compliments your text content, not replace it.
Here’s an example — Infomedia created this video that communicates everything our video services entail by including simple, yet effective subtitles. Check it out:
Videos = Personality
Video is a great way to share your business’s personality with your audience. (Just check out our One Quick Coffee videos — plenty of personality there.)
Through website video content, you can share your company’s culture, the people behind your brand and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Don’t discount the power of personality!
What Now?
Now that you know why your website needs video content, what’s the next step?
If you need some help with video production, we’ve got you. We have a stellar team of videographers ready to share their creativity and expertise with you. Contact us today to get started.