Website Health

Evaluating Your Website After the Holidays: Tips to Tune-Up

The holidays are busy for everyone. Believe us, we know. But now that they’re behind us, it’s time to focus on what 2022 has in store for you (and your website!) That’s why we put together these five easy tips to help you evaluate your website and kick the year off right.

Clay Conner working at his desk at the Infomedia office

Check Your Form Responses

We put this one first because it’s so important. And it gets overlooked so often. 

When you sit down to evaluate your website, the first thing you should do is check your form responses. We recommend putting this on your calendar every month to remind you to check it often.

So, how do you check your forms? Just fill it out and see what happens! Forms can be finicky. Some website updates will break your forms. Or maybe they’re going to an email that doesn’t get checked regularly, if at all. 

You don’t want to miss out on sales because your forms are broken. This is probably the easiest way that your business can provide excellent customer service to potential buyers.

If your form works, then great! You’re done. If not, then you need to start looking into why. Did it go to the wrong email? Did you get an error message? Did the submit button not work at all? These are all easy fixes if you know what you’re looking for.

Buy Something

Again, you want to make sure that you’re providing stellar customer service. Your ecommerce platform is a good way to do that. 

Run through the entire sale process from start to finish to make sure everything is working the way it should. You’ll also want to make sure that all of the information is up-to-date. You might realize that you still have your holiday shipping information up. Make sure to fix that ASAP – you don’t want your customers to think that you don’t keep up with your website. 

You may also notice that your ecommerce platform is confusing. If that’s the case, you’re likely missing out on traffic and sales. While you may not be able to overhaul your ecommerce site by yourself, there should be small changes that you can make to the process to make it run more smoothly. If you need help with heavy lifting, we’d love to help you get your ecommerce site where you want it.

Check Your Blogging

Take a look at your blog page. Do you have any posts in the last month? If not, then you want to fix that. A blog page that hasn’t been updated in a while tells potential customers that you don’t keep up with your website. That cuts down on your trustworthiness, and people are likely to go elsewhere. 

How do you fix it? Here are a few options:

  • Remove your blog from your website. It will still exist on the backend, and you can always add it back when you’re ready to keep it up to date. But don’t leave a blog page that’s out of date on your website. 
  • Remove the date field. You can remove all the dates from your blogs. This means that website visitors won’t necessarily know that your blog is out of date.
  • Write a blog! We highly recommend this one, and it’ll help you the most. Just make something simple and post it with a current date stamp.

Look at Open Hours

Your business hours are likely in a ton of different places — your homepage, header/footer, contact page and more. You’ll want to check all of those for accuracy and make sure you don’t still have your holiday hours set. 

If potential customers see different hours in different places, they will often get confused and go somewhere else. You obviously don’t want that, so be sure to cover this easy step when evaluating your website.

Pro-tip: Update your Google Business Profile too. If people are looking for your business’s address, they’ll likely look at your hours there instead of actually clicking on your website.

Click Through Every Page

No, we’re not saying you need to read every piece of content on your website. Just click through all of your pages to make sure it works correctly and looks good. We suggest reading headlines and calls-to-action, clicking buttons to make sure they work, checking that there are no broken images and that all pages work correctly.

Need Help Evaluating Your Website?

We can help with a free website audit! We’ll do all these steps and more to show you exactly what’s working well on your website and what’s not. If you’re ready to take your website to the next level this year, contact us today.

Alana Harmond

About Alana

Alana has always had a love for writing and all things creative. She graduated from UAB with a degree in Marketing and concentration in social media management, and she now carries her passion into her position at Infomedia as Content Strategist. When she’s not typing up copy for a client’s website or providing a continuous supply of pink Starbursts to her officemates, you can find Alana hanging out with her friends and her cats, Iver and Rosy. She also enjoys singing and playing guitar, taking care of 90+ houseplants, and compiling her “one second every day” video.

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