Infomedia News

The Three Kings

While there are many elements that go into making the kind of changes we've been talking about, a key move is to add new talent. And we've wasted no time going after our top picks.

While there are many elements that go into making the kind of changes we’ve been talking about, a key move is to add new talent. Now that we’ve identified what we were missing, we’ve wasted no time going after our top picks.

We CANNOT believe we got all three of our first choices!

Deon Gordon – Deon is one of those guys who exudes a rare magnetism few of us have. He is immediately likable, approachable, and engage-able. Not only is he a guy that is fun to know, he is a person who understands branding, social media, networking, and all things web.

When we first talked about getting Deon to join us, it was with a grin that said, “Well, sure – if he’d want to.”

It took a cup of coffee and a lunch at Surin to seal the deal. It was just too good of a fit, for both of us. Now, as a Sr. Account Executive for Infomedia, he is bringing all the a-fore mentioned goodness to our clientele. Sure, we feel like we are lucky. Deon feels like he is the lucky one.  But who is the real winner? Our clients.

Spencer Wyatt – We feel like we picked up a guy hitting major strides at a very young age with this one. Spencer is the kind of person you assume is in his thirties due to the way he carries himself, his web savvy and his business understanding. Hard to believe the guy is in his mid twenties. It’s scary where he’ll be when he does reach his thirties. (Hopefully, it will be with us.)

On a personal note, Spencer has been in my home, met my family and played with my kid. Aside from everything else about him business-wise, he is filled with integrity and trustworthiness. We are very lucky indeed.

Daniel Walters – So, when you want to bulk up on customer service, where do you go to cherry pick top talent? Ya, we think Apple too! Daniel has the patience of a Buddhist monk and the tech understanding of an uber-nerd. All joking aside, it’s not often you can find a person, who is both passionate about technology and about people. Daniel is both. Not to mention, the guy has some serious social media chops.

To sum it up, one of the guys I look at when it comes to building an organization is none other than Dean Lombardi. He is the GM of the Los Angeles Kings. While it may seem odd to look at a sports franchise for such inspiration, Dean has taught me a lot about the role of people during a rebuilding phase. As we speak, the Kings are in the middle of free-agency and after a time of rebuilding, they are ready to add a few big all-stars to the team and go for it all.

If the Kings end up doing half as well as we did in “free agency,” the Stanley Cup will be in my home town of LA in no time.

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