Infomedia News

Trending at Infomedia: What We’re Geeking out about This Week

Here at Infomedia, we like to geek out about the things we love. Yeah, we like to talk about technology, but our geekery isn’t limited to tech. We also get pretty excited about everything from coffee to hammocks — today's blog includes a roundup of a few things we at Camp Infomedia are loving this week.

Glasses laying across a keyboard on top of a wooden desk

If you Google the “definition of geek” (which is totally something a geek would do), you get two outcomes for the verb:

    1. To engage in or discuss computer-related tasks obsessively or with great attention to technical detail
    2. To be or become extremely excited or enthusiastic about a subject


So, it looks like any way you slice it, we at Infomedia like to geek out about the things we love. Yeah, we love to talk about technology. We get genuinely excited when Google or Apple has a press conference — not only do we watch it, but we listen to podcasts and read blogs about it later. But our geekery isn’t limited to tech. We also get pretty excited about superhero movies and CrossFit programs and thermos technology and Big Bang Theory cast updates.

There’s something about excitement — you want to share it. So we thought we’d share a few things the Infomedia office is loving right now.


Seeds Coffee

Because we’re workaholics, we like our coffee. And because we like stuff to taste good, we like coffee that’s locally roasted to taste great — and Seeds is one of the local coffee roasters who do a great job at roasting coffee that does exactly that. While it’s true that you can usually find an Infomedian or two at several of our favorite coffee shops around town (O’Henry’s, Octane, Saturn, Urban Standard, Revelator and Church Street Coffee & Books are a few of our favorites), Seeds is close enough that we can swing by for a client meeting when we’re craving cappuccinos. And you can always find Seeds coffee alongside our beloved O’Henry’s in the breakroom.


Sloss Fest

A few of us went to Sloss Fest this weekend, and those of us who didn’t just followed their Instagrams and Facebook pictures and acted really jealous when they came into work Monday morning. We heard nothing but good (No — great!) things about Birmingham’s first Sloss Fest. Clay’s review was particularly glowing. According to him, “Whoever organized Sloss Fest made Birmingham very proud. It was the most organized and well-run festival I’ve ever attended.”


Working Outside

Valerie in a hammockNever seen someone typing on a laptop while swinging in a hammock? Then you’ve never been to work with us. At the Infomedia campus, there’s almost always someone working outside — sometimes it’s Casey at the picnic table, sometimes it’s Pam or Valerie in the hammocks, and sometimes it’s the entire marketing committee having a meeting at the picnic table. Our office is nestled in a cozy little patch of trees and greenery, and we take full advantage of that perk. There’s a reason we call it Camp Infomedia.


Photography & Copywriting

Infomedia has always been committed to strong website content, and to create a good solid website, you really need high quality photos and good text. We don’t know what’s in the water lately, but we’ve noticed that a lot more of our clients are asking us to handle photography and copywriting for them as well as design and development of their websites. We love when clients invest in photography and writing because we know it’ll make their websites that much stronger, and we’re so glad more clients are trusting us to help them with those pieces.


Learning … and More Learning

In any field, it’s important to grow and develop new skill sets, but in our business — the business of websites — learning new things is absolutely essential. We learn from each other every day, but several of us are making a point to get and share new information: Tyler and Mary Katherine have been using Treehouse to learn new development and coding skills, I’m sharing information about blogging today at our Innovation Depot Lunch & Learn, and of course we’re all addicted to TED Talks and podcasts.


To semi-quote The Sound of Music, these are a few of our favorite things right now. If you love something you think we should know about, leave it in comments or let us know through our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages — you can also keep us with us there to get up-to-the-minute updates on new tech ideas, Camp Infomedia life, and what we’re geeking out about right now.


About Carrie

Carrie has been copyediting and writing for fifteen years. Her skills were forged in the newsroom at The Birmingham Post-Herald and she’s a huge book nerd (she moonlights as Southern Living’s book reviewer), but a love of paper and ink hasn’t stopped her from mastering the digital world as well: She’s had a blog pretty much since they existed, and she’s run social media for companies big and small. Carrie’s always ready to take on a new communication challenge, lecture us about the proper use of semicolons, or defend the fact that her Instagram account is filled with selfies.

See more articles from Carrie Rollwagen

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