Pinterest has recently launched "Pinterest for Business" for established brands, small businesses, non-profit organizations, & even bloggers.

What is Pinterest? Is it right for your brand?
Pinterest is one of the ten most popular new sites on the web. This social media site is dedicated to allowing users to create pin boards based on individual interests. Users collect things they love all over the web and then create boards and pins. The boards display headings such as “Favorite Places, ” “Recipes to Try,” “Quotes to Live By,” or “Products I Love.” Finally, users select pictures from the web to pin on their boards.
Pinterest has recently launched “Pinterest for Business.” These accounts are intended for established brands, small businesses, non-profit organizations, and even bloggers. These accounts have the same features as personal accounts; the only difference is explaining how your business would utilize it.
Is Pinterest for Business a Good Fit for your Brand?
If you are thinking about getting your business a Pinterest account, a great place to start
is Google Analytics. In the traffic referral section, you can see your top referring sites. If Pinterest is on the list then your customers have spoken. Pinterest is already driving traffic your way. Pinterest is also a great outlet for e-commerce websites.
10 Tips for Utilizing Your Pinterest Account
1. Set your Pinterest account to include links back to your website on every pin.
2. Get Followers
- Set up a Twitter Account and link to Pinterest
- Connect Pinterest Account with Facebook
- Promote on other social media outlets such as Google+ and Linkedin
- Blog to promote your “pins” on Pinterest
- Follow other users, they will follow you back
3. Engage Your Customers
- Customer engagement will get you “re-pins.” Ask customers to take or send pictures of themselves interacting with your product or business. Create a board and pin their pics on it.
4. Email Blast
- Create an email to customers simply saying, “Infomedia is now on Pinterest. Follow the link and start pinning!” Make sure to include a link to your account.
5. Add a “Pin It” button directly to your website.
6. Optimize your Pinterest account with key words and phrases.
- Think SEO, if you don’t currently have a list of your businesses primary key words and phrases then think, “What do people search when looking for my site?”
- When these terms are determined, plug them into the description setting on your Pinterest account.
7. Always add links in the description section of your pin.
- When you select an item to “pin,” a box pops up. At this point you select your category and then you have an open text box. In the text box, add a link back to your website.
8. Videos are becoming more popular on Pinterest, so create a video gallery pin board.
9. Pinterest is like Twitter, you can use hashtags. Try to focus on key words when hash tagging. #pinning #PinterestForBusiness
10. Don’t re-pin other friend’s pins on your boards. You can follow, but don’t re-pin. It creates link confusion.
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Hubspot: How to Use Pinterest for Businesses