This image-based social platform could give your business a boost.

Mostly known for being a collecting spot for tempting recipes and over-the-top craft ideas, Pinterest is also an often under-utilized social media platform. Businesses who sell consumer products or create helpful content may find Pinterest to be great promotional tool. Everyone from clothing store owners to food bloggers posts on the platform. Some great examples of blog content you can produce for Pinterest includes tutorials, buying guides, photo galleries, recipes and more. Search out some of your industry keywords on Pinterest to get an idea of what the competition is doing. Once you’ve decided what you want to share on Pinterest, here’s your easy guide to getting set up:
Create an Account
Of course, the first step to promoting your business on Pinterest is setting up an account. Make sure it’s a business account, not a personal account, because that makes a big difference. By choosing a business account, you’ll have access to analytics and other helpful tools to boost your branding.
Choose Your Topics
Depending on what your business offers, it’s probably best to create multiple boards. These may cover tutorials, items for sale, recipes or listicles. Make a different board for each topic you want to cover on Pinterest. Once you’ve added a few pins to the board, go back and pick a pin to set as the cover photo to make sure your profile has a cohesive and curated look.
Design the Pins
While you can simply pin any image from your website, to gain more traffic, it’s a good idea to actually design pins. Using free design software such as Canva, you can create custom pins. These images must be vertical due to Pinterest’s feed layout. When designing, try to include words that describe the content you’re linking to — such as “10 Ways to Budget” or “Family-Friendly Chicken Recipes” — and feature multiple pictures if available. Some elements of pins that tend to gain more traffic include using several photos, sticking with warmer colors and having a title or description on the image itself.
Get to Posting
Now that you’ve made your boards and designed your pins, it’s time to get posting! You can easily upload a pin by clicking the plus sign at the top of your profile and following Pinterest’s helpful instructions. In the description, it’s essential to add keywords so both Pinterest and Google can crawl your pin. As with all SEO best practices, don’t keyword stuff and instead focus on writing a very detailed description that is pleasant to read for both users and search engines. If you want to schedule your pins ahead of time, that is only possible by using a third-party scheduling software like Tailwind.
If you’re ready to join the Pinterest world, but need an extra hand or help with your other social media accounts, contact us at Infomedia today. Our marketing professionals can get you set up with the right strategies and goals.