Infomedia News

Happy Pi Day from the Math Nerds at Infomedia!

Happy Pi Day! Sure, Pi Day is technically a day celebrating the mathematical constant Pi — because Pi = 3.14, and March fourteenth is 3.14 — but we like to have a little fun and bring in pi-themed food like pizza and pie.

baked apple pie on top of a black marble counter with a knife ready to slice

Here at Infomedia, we like any reason to celebrate. Especially with food! So Pi Day? That’s a no brainer — especially because math is a pretty important part of what we do. To get websites that look great and perform well, we actually use a lot of math. Our developers use math when writing coding loops, calculating complicated pricing structures for ecommerce sites and other sites including variables, and when they’re coding sites to be responsive, which involves lots of percentages and aspect ratios.

But enough about math — we’re really excited about the food! Some people like to celebrate Pi Day with circle-shaped food, since Pi represents the formula for determining the ratio of a circle it its diameter. So if you want to celebrate with donuts and pancakes, we’re not gonna judge. But around here, we like to keep it classic and celebrate with pizza pies and apple pies! (And, hey, they’re circles too.)

Today at lunch, we’re bringing in pizza for the whole team, and our Digital Strategist Alexis whipped up some homemade apple pie I’m so excited about. Good luck getting the recipe — you’d have better luck trying to learn all the digits of pi!


About Katie

Katie loves creating and maintaining relationships, and her warm attitude — plus her ninja-like talent for scheduling and multi-tasking — makes her perfect for our client services team. You can always tell she’s smiling, even when she’s on the phone (even over email, which we can’t figure out), and when she meets you in person, she’ll probably give you a hug. She loves celebrating birthdays and she’s serious about chocolate chip cookies, but her real passion is her family — hanging out with her three kids is Katie’s favorite thing ever, and she sings in a band (Red Harp) with her husband, Garret.

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