Yesterday, we asked you to vote on your favorite Infomedian Halloween costume using our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. Today, the results are in ...
And the winner is — Michael! He’s a new addition to our team, but Michael McDonald has already proved himself to be an incredibly valuable (and fun) member of our team. He’s serious about Halloween — so you know he fits in perfectly at Infomedia. Earlier this year, a few of us turned up at his truly amazing Friday the 13th party (the lawn decorations were unbelievably spooky), and we couldn’t wait to see which costume he’d choose for our in-office contest. When we saw the voting results this morning, we had to agree — Michael’s Fantasy Football Player costume was definitely a favorite! Here are the results of our contest, as decided by you, our clients and friends:
First Place Winner and Holder of Our Famous Witch Trophy: Michael McDonald’s Fantasy Football Player
Second Place Winner: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by Michael Stuckey, Jimmy McClure, Jonathan Walls and Russell Marbut
Third Place Winner: Pam Sanderson’s Zombie
Want to check out more costumes? All the pictures are on yesterday’s blog, and you can also see them on the Infomedia Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages. Thanks to everyone who voted, and we’ll see you next year!