Consider this free calendar download our gift to you.

As this year draws to a close, we hope you’ve enjoyed using our free download to plan your social media content (or to plot your personal social calendar). It’s given us a whole new appreciation for the wealth of fun activities to take advantage of in Birmingham. And it’s certainly kept our blog and Instagram interesting (we hope!).
If you’re in the market for something unique and locally-sourced, check out the Woodlawn Street Market (December 3). More handmade goodies (and homemade treats) can be found at the Alabama Wildlife Center’s Craft and Bake Sale (December 9).
But before you break out the hats and horns, think about the real reason for the season: The Last Jedi premieres on December 14. There’s also some college football to enjoy at the Birmingham Bowl 2017 (December 23). Bacon Day (December 30).
All jokes aside, if you can’t wait for holiday festivities, there are plenty of opportunities to celebrate: Gingerbread House Day (December 12), Ugly Christmas Sweater Day (December 15) and Festivus (December 23).
Close out the month by celebrating Bacon Day (December 30). Some calendars may place it in September, but there’s no debate: it’s delicious year-round.
Download our December calendar today.