One of my favorite events this time of year is our annual Infomedia Christmas party. It’s a chance for us to get out of our normal office routine and mingle, not as coworkers, but as friends. It’s a chance for us to meet or reconnect with significant others and spouses all while enjoying great food and drink.
But in true Infomedia style, there’s always a twist of fun. Because it was such a hit last year, we brought back the thrift store dirty Santa game. You can bring anything you want, but the only rule is that it has to be from a thrift store. It can get a little crazy and you never know what you might unwrap. Some of the best gifts this year were the bacon coasters, some Doritos compression socks, a SpongeBob Squarepants backpack, a scooter that Jason Lovoy especially enjoyed and the group favorite, an original robot-altered piece of artwork from our resident artist, Jimmy.
Most of our gifts end up proudly displayed back at the office except the beta fish that came with the thrift store fish bowl. Jonathan and I really wanted that for our office mascot but it was stolen right out from underneath me. I’m still mad about that!
Other than a few dirty gift steals, overall, a great time was had by all. I think I speak for all of the employees when I say; we’re lucky to work for the Lovoys. They make coming to work easy. From our Infomedia family to yours, we wish you all a wonderful holiday season with the greatest of blessings in the New Year.
I think we all know what Jason will be doing over the holidays!