You may get a more detailed look at your audience with LinkedIn's possible retargeting update.
LinkedIn is quickly becoming the go-to place for businesses to place ads. Whether it’s boosting a brand new position, advertising services or just getting their name in front of potential customers, companies are viewing the professional social media platform as a sound investment of money and effort. While ad retargeting is already an option on LinkedIn, an inside source tells Digiday that in 2020 they will expand retargeting options to include a more detailed look into data.
Currently, anyone placing ads on LinkedIn can only see clicks from audience groups, such as certain career fields or employees of a particular company. According to the source, their potential expansion for retargeting options will include letting businesses advertise to individuals instead of broad categories of people. Facebook’s retargeting works in a similar manner, meaning that LinkedIn may be taking a page from the social media giant. This addition to LinkedIn’s repertoire comes as no surprise, with the platform rolling out live broadcasting services, geographic advertising and other useful features throughout 2019.
Looking to learn more about LinkedIn? Here are a few links that will help you further your knowledge: