
Startups, Science & Tech in the Magic City: It’s Innovation Week in Birmingham!

Birmingham is a city of hidden talents — and Innovation Week, happening now in downtown Birmingham, is trying to bring those hidden startups and scientific breakthroughs into the light.

two friends laugh together on a couch

Birmingham, Alabama is a city of hidden talents — and Innovation Week, happening now in downtown Birmingham, is trying to bring those hidden startups and scientific breakthroughs into the light.

Birmingham has a lot going on in tech, entrepreneurial and scientific research fields — but many of those projects still fly under the radar a bit. If we’re going to grow Birmingham as a force to be reckoned with in developing industry, it helps to work together. It helps to get connected to the people and businesses who can help raise money, raise awareness, and pull in new talent. It helps to get on the radar of the press and of the people who can turn a business from startup to success.

Innovation Week can be a key event in getting Birmingham noticed — and if you’re an entrepreneur interested in getting your startup off the ground, a developer interested in coding and tech, or just a concerned citizen who wants to get connected in the developing Birmingham scene, this event is a great choice. We’ve broken down a few of our favorite events happening over the next few days, but there are lots more to choose from; check out a complete list of Innovation Week events, or use the guide we’ve put together below to pick out events aligned with your interests, whether they’re Business, Tech or Networking:

Want to Start a Business? What Innovation Week Offers Entrepreneurs and Startups

Funding Your Dream (Tuesday, August 23)
This one starts … well, pretty much right now. If you’re interested in startup funding in Birmingham, Alabama, you’ve got about an hour to register online and get over to Lister Hill for this event.

Behind the Scenes of Innovative Business (Tuesday, August 23)
Get inspired by the success of a handful of Birmingham entrepreneurs, and check out the incredible new MAKE space in Avondale.

Startup Drinks Pitch Night (Tuesday, August 23)
Meet more people from Birmingham startups; the drinks will make the networking a little easier.

1 Million Cups (Wednesday, August 24)
Watch a couple startup hopefuls pitch their ideas at 1MC. Also, there’s coffee.

Get Your Business Online (Wednesday, August 24)
Use this free event to solve the mysteries of Google My Business and getting your business listed on Google.

Legal and Accounting Essentials for Your Business (Thursday, August 25)
It’s no secret that we’re huge fans of Creative Roundtable, and this month they’re providing insight into one of the areas most-dreaded by startups and entrepreneurs — legal and accounting. The information at Creative Roundtable is always solid, and the free coffee and pastries from Feast & Forest don’t hurt, either.

Interested in Birmingham Tech? What Innovation Week Offers Developers

TechTuesday (Tuesday, August 23)
Put on by TechBirmingham, TechTuesday is a great event to put on your Birmingham tech calendar every month.

IT Gender Gap (Wednesday, August 24)
The more diverse perspectives we have in development, the stronger our field can grow — but how can we attract developers who don’t fit the stereotype? If you’re interested in being part of the conversation, this talk is for you.

Hackathon (Wednesday, August 24)
All developers and hackers of all experience levels are invited.

Trends in Cyber Security (Wednesday, August 24)
Facebook’s former Chief Malware Expert Nick Bilogorskiy will be speaking.

How to Use Virtual Reality on a Local Level (Thursday, August 25)
It’s not just for gamers — VR might actually help grow your business. Come learn how.

Magic City Coders Showcase (Thursday, August 25)
Four teams compete for the best prototype fintech app. See the projects and the results.

The Tension between Expediency and Correctness for Innovation (Friday, August 26)
Is it better to get the project launched or get it totally correct? The debate rages on, and you can be part of it at this talk from Josh Adams of DailyDrip.com.

Just Want to Network (and Eat/Drink for Free)? Innovation Week’s Key Networking Events 

Startup Drinks Pitch Night (Tuesday, August 23)
Meet more people from Birmingham startups; the drinks will make the networking a little easier.

1 Million Cups (Wednesday, August 24)
Watch a couple startup hopefuls pitch their ideas at 1MC. Also, there’s coffee.

Depot/U Turns 1! (Wednesday, August 24)
You’ll get information on how to start a career in development; also, there are prizes, beer and cake!

SIP (Wednesday, August 24)
Sometimes startups can be tough, and it helps to talk about the issues and the successes with someone who understands. SIP provides that venue — and free coffee from Royal Cup.

Creative Roundtable (Thursday, August 25)
The information at Creative Roundtable is always solid, and the free coffee and pastries from Feast & Forest don’t hurt, either.

Depot Connect (Thursday, August 25)
Normally this mixer is just open to Innovation Depot’s companies, but this month we’re all invited!

Depot/U Open House (Thursday, August 25)
Excited to learn more about Birmingham’s developer bootcamp? So are we; this is the perfect place.

Business@Sunset (Thursday, August 25)
Birmingham Business Alliance is sponsoring this event at Southern Research.

We hope to see you around downtown Birmingham this week at Innovation Week, and we’d love to hear what you think of the event — to let us know, just reach out to Infomedia on Twitter or Instagram @infomediadotcom.


About Carrie

Carrie has been copyediting and writing for fifteen years. Her skills were forged in the newsroom at The Birmingham Post-Herald and she’s a huge book nerd (she moonlights as Southern Living’s book reviewer), but a love of paper and ink hasn’t stopped her from mastering the digital world as well: She’s had a blog pretty much since they existed, and she’s run social media for companies big and small. Carrie’s always ready to take on a new communication challenge, lecture us about the proper use of semicolons, or defend the fact that her Instagram account is filled with selfies.

See more articles from Carrie Rollwagen

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