
Our Groundhog Saw His Shadow Too: 6 Ways to Help Your Site Weather 6 More Weeks of Winter

February has finally arrived! That silly groundhog has seen his shadow, and Valentine’s is right around the corner. We thought long and hard and forecasted a few ways to weather you and your site over until that beautiful spring sunshine beams through the clouds again and the spring flowers begin to blossom. Here are 6 new things to do over the next 6 weeks until spring finally shows up: (with a slight Valentine’s theme because it’s February, and why not?)

Tree covered in snow, with a bench in front of it

A drawing of a bear looking at a tree with the Infomedia logo carved into itDear Friends,

February has finally arrived! That silly groundhog has seen his shadow and Valentine’s is right around the corner. Whoever said February was a boring month was clearly wrong!  I mean, what could be more exciting than groundhogs and hearts …

Ok, fine … we get February is kind of lame. But that doesn’t mean that we’re going to leave you in the dark (or the shadows) with six more weeks of wintery cold and boring blog posts. February won’t freeze us over! Nope.

So, we thought long and hard and forecasted a few ways to weather you and your site over until that beautiful spring sunshine beams through the clouds again and the spring flowers begin to blossom.

Here are six new things to do over the next six weeks until spring finally shows up:

(with a slight Valentine’s theme — because it’s February, and why not?)

1.    Develop a crush on your competitors

Sure, this sounds super creepy, but that’s not exactly our intent. What we mean is to pay close attention to your competitors, see what they’re doing, and see what they’re not doing. This may seem like a no brainer, but we fully believe that the only way to learn and grow is to take notes from those that know more than you know and are doing things better than you’re doing them. We’re not insulting you … we know you’re smart. But it’s a healthy mindset to think someone is always smarter.

2.    Send your customers love notes

Everyone likes to be appreciated and hear words of affirmation, whether they admit it or not. You’d be surprised how far a thank you email or a handwritten note will go. So show your customers/clients some extra love this month and tell them how much you appreciate them. ‘Tis the season, right?

3.    Show your blog some love

We know we harp on this (and we also know that was the worst Valentine’s cherub joke ever), but your blog keeps your content fresh and keeps your customers returning to your site. Not to mention, it makes you look like the expert on what you’re talking about. More site traffic and looking super smart … that’s a win/win situation if you ask us.

4.    Treat your customers to some sweet deals

This doesn’t only apply to our retail customers, although Valentine’s is another opportunity to maximize your sales with promo codes and free shipping. “Deals” could be some extra information you wouldn’t normally let your customers in on, like the best times to buy, or what sets you apart from everyone else, or something that shows off your brand’s lovable personality. You get the gist. People love “secrets.”

5.    Gather some hearts on social media

Hearts, likes, retweets, whatever you want to call them. Create a strategy for your social media account and direct every single word towards getting raving fans for your business. Be likeable, be lovable, and provide service to your clients that makes them want to run and scream your brand’s name from the rooftops.

6.    Rekindle some old relationships

Oftentimes this is a bad idea in real life, but in a business sense, sometimes it’s a good idea to check in on those old customers that have abandoned ship and see how they’re doing in their new “relationship.” Don’t cross any lines by telling them how much you love them and miss them — that’s weird. Just be friendly. Ask them how they’re doing. Be personal. And keep it moving. They may give you a second thought … and if they don’t, then you’ll know it wasn’t meant to be to begin with.

There you have ‘em! Luckily, we don’t claim to be matchmakers (just website designers), but we think we’ve given you some tips you’ll love regardless. Who knows, our tips may match you up with some new clients. But don’t worry, we’ll let you have all the credit!


Your Infomedia team

… Oops! I think we just wrote you a love letter!

Graphics by our very own Jimmy McClure

About Valerie

Valerie is a self-proclaimed word nerd, with a passion for the English language. She can not only dot the I's and cross the T's, but can also tell you what big words mean (and even use them in a sentence). She uses her communication skills to build strong relationships with current and potential clients – and usually does so while sitting underneath a blanket, sipping hot tea. When she's not working, she's probably cleaning and organizing everything – yes, everything, probably even your house. See more articles from Valerie Powell

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