Video campaigns and crowd-funding sites are an increasingly popular way to finance new business, or to try something new with your existing business.
Video campaigns and crowd-funding sites are an increasingly popular way to finance new business, or to try something new with your existing business. There are several good sites out there, but one of the most popular is Kickstarter.
Kickstarter has been around for a few years, but now more companies, not just individuals, have been getting a lot of buzz for their video campaigns to kickstart movies, products, games, technology and small businesses. Kickstarter is a crowd-funding site that’s accessible to everyone, both big companies and small ones. Everyone from moms to celebrities have been utilizing this funding platform to get the word out about their businesses and products. So, why not you? Why not launch a Kickstarter campaign for your business?
When you start thinking about a Kickstarter campaign, it stirs up a lot of questions. Is it right for me and my business? Why choose a video platform? Who will contribute? Will I lose money if I don’t meet my goals? How do I get started? The list goes on and on.
Find local projects
We at Infomedia can help you find a way to integrate Kickstarter into your business initiatives, but a good way to start is to simply explore the site and check out what other people and companies are doing. Once you set up a Kickstarter account, your homepage will feature local campaigns from your area. This is a great way to get ideas for your own campaign, and it’s also a good way to shop locally and support your community by getting behind exciting things that others are doing.
Kickstarter projects are independently created by the people behind them. Anyone from a filmmaker to a business owner has complete control over their project. If you’re considering it for your company, just know you must have a strategy behind your campaign. Most companies spend weeks building their project pages, shooting a video, and brainstorming about what rewards to offer backers. When you’re ready, you launch your project and share it with your community.
Let’s talk strategy
Let’s assume you know what you’re trying to raise money for. Now, how do you do it? To begin, set a funding goal. How much will you need to launch your product or business? Next, think about who your target audience is, and how to draw their attention with a video. The most important part of drawing people in is creating an incentive. What will you offer backers for their support?
Once all these questions are answered, then it’s time to get to work. Here are a couple of local Kickstarter stories that we love.
The Finn Hem Trouser and Cochise Hoodie
This group of local Birmingham entrepreneurs wants to make original, classic clothes with an extra pop of unexpected interest. Their inspiration quote? “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society,” by Mark Twain. This local campaign features these crazy cool trousers in an array of colors.
Salt-Free Spice Blends from DAK’s Spices
This local company really knows how to “blend” local flavor — they create salt-free spice blends, and their video is cute and personal, combining their love story with the product story (just like they do in their company).
Go for it!
Want to get started on your own Kickstarter campaign, or at least learn more about it? Click here to learn about the basics and get all your questions answered.