
3 Reasons to Hire a Professional Content Marketer

Content is key to a great website, so having a professional on-hand to help can make a big difference.

black man typing on a laptop keyboard

Content marketing is currently one of the most popular areas of web development. Just having a website isn’t enough anymore, it needs to be advertised on different platforms to draw in traffic from potential customers. While it may seem as simple as sharing a few Facebook posts or sending out the occasional email, marketing your content is a more complex task than you might think.

Marketing content isn’t an out-of-grasp concept for website owners, we’ve actually got a wealth of blog posts about how to do it yourself, but it’s a combination of resources and time that really make someone a content marketing expert. That’s why unless you’re wanting to keep track of every social media platform’s latest updates, take the time to build out a long term marketing strategy and invest resources into advertising, then it may be a good idea to reach out to a content marketer like ours at Infomedia.

Still not sure? Here are three reasons why you should think about hiring a professional content marketer:

1. We’ve got experience on our side

Whether it’s crafting a short tweet that gets your point across or writing a large blog post that details your business’s many services, these things all take time. With years of experience in everything from social media to copywriting, our marketing team can create clean content that will draw readers’ attention in no time. Simply let us know what you’re looking to gain, maybe it’s more website traffic or gaining a larger social media audience, and we can get to work.

2. We know what social media platforms and search engines want

Social media platforms and major search engines are regularly changing their algorithms. This can be as minute as Google preferring websites that include alt text on their images, or as major as Facebook favoring displaying friends and family over company pages. Our content marketing team keeps up with the trends and knows what strategies should be currently implemented on these platforms to get you the best traffic possible.

3. We can set you up with short and long term strategies

It can be easy to just say “I want more website traffic.” But keeping the momentum going to where your business experiences consistent growth takes a bit more planning. Setting out a strategy, that can range in length anything from just a few weeks from now to a year from now, take time, knowing which tactics work and having a knack for writing brand copy.

Remember, just because you hire a content marketer doesn’t mean you won’t be involved. While we can bring out experience to the table, you’ll need to be prepared to teach us about your business. We want to learn about your industry, gain your guidance on what your company’s goals are and get to know your client base.

If you’re considering maybe hiring a professional content marketer, contact us at Infomedia and we’ll be glad to set up a free consultation for you.


About Hayley

When Hayley isn’t knocking out website copy behind her laptop, she’s in the kitchen — a (non-snobby) foodie and committed vegan, she brings her passion for cooking into the office with pies and treats she’s made herself. Hayley polished her skills, both culinary and literary, at Cooking Light digital and, where she worked as a food writer before joining us here at Infomedia. She’s great at writing SEO-rich copy, drafting a catchy headline and utilizing digital tools to give her writing serious online impact. To unwind, Hayley likes watching horror movies, sweating the day away in hot yoga, traveling with her husband, Peter, and coming home to their two cats, Momo and Otto.

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