
4 Digital Marketing Strategies You Need in 2016

What are the digital strategies your company should be focusing on, and how can the help? Here are a few techniques we at Infomedia find effective with many of our clients.

game plan sketch

One of the things I love talking about with clients is how a sound digital marketing strategy can impact organizations that have complex sales cycles — by that I mean sales cycles that take more time to cultivate and mature than your quick-purchase model. Classic examples of a complex sales cycle would be clients in professional services (like lawyers, accountants, etc.), manufacturers, non-profits (where the “sale” isn’t always exchange of products), and county and city governments.

Success for clients with complex sales cycles means different things, and that means we need different tools to get the results we want. Take, for example, an accountant. What’s the big win for them? Ultimately, it would be a prospect reaching out to them via phone or email. But how do you get the prospect to that point? First, you must have a well-designed, highly functional website that does a great job of branding who you are, efficiently tells what you do and explains why you are qualified to do it. But how can you get the prospect to the website in the first place? With digital marketing strategy.

So what are the digital strategies your company should be focusing on, and how can they help? Here are a few techniques we at Infomedia find effective with many of our clients:

Content Marketing

Creating original content (usually in the form of a blog) that not only gets posted to your website, but also is spread through social media as well as in an email newsletter.

Search Engine Optimization

It’s one thing to be found for your business name in Google. It’s another to be found for a descriptive phrase (i.e., defense attorney birmingham al). Search Engine Optimization is matching up what you want to be found for with appropriate content and “under the hood” coding.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Sometimes, being ranked in Google for a specific search phrase is either difficult or takes time. You can drive instant traffic to your website through paid search.

Social Media Marketing

Not only is showcasing your blog content important, but also highlighting your company’s personality. You can also show love to your clients, talk about causes that are important to you, etc.

There are quite a few others. Usually, we find no one digital strategy is a silver bullet; rather, success is the result of the collective effort of multiple strategies that move the needle.

At Infomedia, we’ve had the privilege of working with all the different types of companies I listed above, and we’ve helped create some incredible digital strategies for these clients. Some of my favorites include Sain Engineering, Junior Davis, and Douglas County, all successful projects that I truly enjoyed being a part of.

If you aren’t getting the results you desire from your website, shoot me an email or give me a call. I’d be glad to talk with you about how we can drive relevant traffic, generate leads and increase your bottom line.



About Clay

Clay has a head for business, but he’s also in touch with his inner geek; he transitions seamlessly between the boardroom and the developers’ office (with a quick stop at the CrossFit gym in between). He prefers plain English to “geek speak,” so he’s the perfect choice to translate technobabble into provable goals and ROI, helping our clients incorporate the technologies they need to build their businesses. Clay loves being involved in the Birmingham business community and fostering the abundant potential in the Magic City; his work on the Associate Board of Alabama Policy Institute and with Aspire Movement as a mentor are two of his favorite causes. When he’s not at work, you’re likely to find him at an Auburn game with his wife and three kids or in one of his favorite Birmingham craft coffee shops.

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