Cast your vote for the 2018 Infomedia Halloween office costume contest winner through our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages!

If you’re familiar with Infomedia, you’ll know that we’re passionate about a few things around our office: Building great websites, arguing about Star Wars fan theories and, of course, Halloween. Each autumn the competition seems to amp up, with employees keeping their costumes as closely guarded secrets and unspoken alliances (also known as group costumes) forming. With rivalries so fierce, it only makes sense to bring in a third-party when it comes to deciding a winner, and that’s where you come in!
We’d like you to vote across our social media platforms and we’ll calculate and announce the winner tomorrow morning. Listed below are the contestants and their costume names. You can vote through the Infomedia Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages. To vote, simply comment and let us know who you think should win (yes, you may vote on each social media outlet and get three votes if you’d like to triple your input). Your votes must be in by midnight tonight to be counted; we’ll announce the winners tomorrow morning!
Contestant: Amber
Toucan Sam
Contestant: Sam
Barbara and Adam from Beetlejuice
Contestant: Pam and Michael
Contestant: Preston
Contestant: Leslie (the crow), Carrie (the peacock) and Brad (the Bs)
The Dude
Contestant: David
The Tooth Fairy
Contestant: Hayley
Kung Fu Panda
Contestant: Russell
Richard from Hotline Miami
Contestant: Matt
Contestant: Stuckey