
Content is More Than Copy

Don’t wait until your website is launched to decide on your content strategy. Let us help you.

Screen of a computer with a site being created

Anyone that has paid attention over the last 20 years can see that the web has changed. If you have not heard yet, content is king on the web. But I think most people take that to mean what is read on your website is most important. The truth is that photos on your site can be more important than the text that surrounds them and a short video will probably get more meaningful views then the page it’s actually sitting on.

The Growth of Instagram

Instagram vs The New York Times

If the rise of popular image and video sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram and Flickr aren’t enough proof for you then take your own internet browsing for example. Imagine your favorite news site without pictures or videos. Imagine what facebook would be if we couldn’t post pictures. These mediums can even influence buyers on an eCommerce site. Think about when you go to buy something online. What would help explain that product best? Descriptions of how it works, photos of what it looks like from all angles, and videos showing the product in action. All of this content helps convert viewers to customers.

You might be asking, doesn’t Google like words? Don’t worry about your SEO. Adding pictures and video won’t hurt your carefully crafted keywords and copy. It can only help you. Remember Google wants to connect searchers to the content they desire within the first click or two. If you engage with your audience, Google will find a way to bring you more people.

If content is king, then budgeting for your website should take into account that your best dollar might not be spent on a copywriter. But before running off and hiring Photographers and a camera crew, make sure to talk with your designer. It’s our job to create a structure for the easy delivery of content. The first thing we do is figure out what your audience is looking for and the best way to get it to them. We can partner with your content creators to make sure we’re all working to the same goal. Don’t wait until your website is launched to decide on your content strategy. Let us help you.

Content is more than copy. The words on your website are necessary but your viewers want more. Just remember, a photograph is worth a 1,000 words, as they say. And if a video is 30 frames a second that’s 30,000 words in the blink of an eye. Ok that might be an exaggeration but you get the picture.

About Andrew

Andrew is of two minds. Part designer, part code-junkie, Andrew brings a subtle eye for detail to every project. A dangerous business, admittedly, since it requires exploration of both the left and right brain and few people return from that perilous expedition. Speaking of exploring, after college Andrew worked for the Peace Corp teaching in the African nation of Benin. After Africa, Andrew moved to London where his wife finished a Master''s degree in History, before returning to Birmingham and Infomedia. Today they've embarked on another lifelong adventure—a beautiful daughter, Olivia. See more articles from Andrew Searles

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