
Seven Deadly Sins of Blogging for Your Business

Could you be sabotaging your blog? Your business has a website and you're well-versed in your industry, so why not blog about it? That may seem to be an easy task from the outside looking in, but blogging can take more time and effort than most people realize.

young woman uses laptop computer

While there’s plenty of advice on the internet of what to do, we’re here today to tell you what not to do. Read below to find out Infomedia’s top seven mistakes you can make when blogging for your business:

Posting Inconsistently

Finding time to write for even the most enthusiastic of bloggers can be a struggle. By posting inconsistently, you not only risk looking flighty to potential clients, but also to Google’s algorithm. The key to blogging regularly is to make a schedule and stick to it, along with not over promising yourself. Even if you think you can blog weekly, start off with twice monthly and then work your way up. It’s always better to start slow and be consistent.

Not Writing for SEO

Writing for search engine optimization doesn’t have to be a big, scary task. There are a few simple best practices that you can easily implement into your blog:

  • Include keywords as one or two percent of your blog’s content. So if you’re writing a 500 word piece, try to include the keyword five times.
  • Use headlines and subheads to organize your content. The easier it is for Google’s algorithm to read the post, the more likely it is to promote your content.
  • Place internal links to other parts of your website. This prevents visitors from bouncing off your website and makes search engines take more notice.
  • Add alt text to images you upload. By adding this small description, your post becomes more SEO-friendly and makes it easier for visually impaired individuals to read it.

Having Visuals as an Afterthought

Photos and videos are naturally engaging content, so don’t forget about them when it comes to your blog. If you’ve got photographs from a company event, a video showing a new project or any other visually interesting pieces, then writing a blog about them is time well-spent.

Unengaging Headlines

A headline can make or break the amount of visitors to your blog post. Take some time to brainstorm a headline that makes you want to click. Keep it simple, direct and be sure to highlight how the potential client could benefit from clicking through to read.

Going in Blind

Making assumptions when it comes to business decisions is never a sound plan, so why would you do it with your blog? Plenty of websites don’t have Google Analytics for tracking data and without this helpful tool, they’re guessing at what their audience wants and needs from their business. By installing Google Analytics on your own site, you can see what keywords are bringing in potential clients, what platforms they’re visiting you from and more. By having a more guided view of what and for whom you should be writing, you’re more likely to have a successful blog.

Writing Based on News Alone

Keeping things current is always a good idea, but make sure that your content isn’t too focused on here-and-now topics. By tempering your content calendar with evergreen blog posts, it’s more likely to stand the test of time and still be helpful a year or two down the road, instead of stale within a week.

Forgetting about Social Media

Once you’ve written the blog, your job isn’t over. Promoting it on social media (no matter what platform you prefer) brings in traffic and helps establish your image as a leader in your industry. By posting as consistently on social media as you do on your blog, your business will have a well-rounded appearance online.

Wondering what your blog should say? Learn how to create content for your business with our free webinar.


About Hayley

When Hayley isn’t knocking out website copy behind her laptop, she’s in the kitchen — a (non-snobby) foodie and committed vegan, she brings her passion for cooking into the office with pies and treats she’s made herself. Hayley polished her skills, both culinary and literary, at Cooking Light digital and, where she worked as a food writer before joining us here at Infomedia. She’s great at writing SEO-rich copy, drafting a catchy headline and utilizing digital tools to give her writing serious online impact. To unwind, Hayley likes watching horror movies, sweating the day away in hot yoga, traveling with her husband, Peter, and coming home to their two cats, Momo and Otto.

See more articles from Hayley Sugg

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